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Our next Flash Sale starts at 9:00 BST on July 12th and continues on until 13:00 BST.

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Outdoor Meter Kit

Outdoor Meter Kit

Monitor indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity.

£46.19  £65.99

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Curtain 3 Hub Mini Matter Combo

Curtain 3 supports Matter and can be integrated with Apple HomeKit.

£174.98  £249.97

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Sensor Combo

Enhance home security by focusing on details to ensure family safety.

£34.99  £49.98

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Curtain 3 Solar Matter Combo

Elevate your smart window treatment experience.

Remote control, solar power, and Matter support, all here.

£218.37  £311.95

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Big Savings

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SwitchBot S10

The most automated floor cleaning robot with a dual station design.

£799.99  £1099.99

Doubled Warranty TimePay Just £67 Per MonthBuy Now
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Universal Remote

One remote to rule them all.

£44.99  £59.99

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Lock Pro + Hub Mini Matter + Keypad Touch

Transform your lock into a smart one with 15 unlocking options.

£179.99  £239.99

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Water Leak Detector

Remotely monitor leaks from anywhere.

£37.49  £49.99

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Mini Robot Vacuum K10+

So small it can clean any corner with ease.

£299.99  £399.99

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Curtain 3

SwitchBot Curtain 3

A better smart curtain solution.

£62.99  £89.99

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SwitchBot Lock Pro

A more pro kind of retrofit smart lock.

£111.99  £139.99

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SwitchBot Lock Pro

A more pro kind of retrofit smart lock.

£118.99  £139.99

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SwitchBot Blind Tilt

The world's easiest solar-powered smart blinds.

£52.49  £69.99

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SwitchBot Hub 2

A 4-in-1 Hub that Matters.

£55.99  £79.99

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Hub Mini Matter Enabled

One app, multiple devices, complete control.

£52.49  £69.99

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SwitchBot Blind Tilt

The world's easiest solar-powered smart blinds.


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SwitchBot Bot

Makes any switch smarter in seconds.

£20.99  £29.99

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Indoor/Outdoor Thermo-Hygrometer

Monitor the environment around you.

£10.49  £14.99

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SwitchBot Meter Plus

Check temperature and humidity at a glance.

£15.39  £21.99

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Save more on clearance items
with 50% off.


SwitchBot Keypad

Add fingerprint and NFC card unlocking to your SwitchBot Lock.

£29.99  £49.99

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Solar Panel for Curtain 2

No manual recharging, save time and effort.

£15.00  £25.00

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SwitchBot Curtain 2

Curtain 2

Transform your curtains into smart ones in just 30 seconds.

£42.5 £85.00

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SwitchBot Pan/Tilt Cam 2K

Now in 2K, providing higher-definition picture quality.

£29.99  £49.99

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SwitchBot Pan/Tilt Cam

360-degree indoor protection, no blind spots.

£23.99  £39.99

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SwitchBot Indoor Cam

Small in size,
captures everything.

£23.99  £39.99

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SwitchBot Color Bulb

Curtain 2

With 16 million colors, our LED smart bulb enhances any occasion.

£7.20  £11.99

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SwitchBot Lock

Curtain 2

Make your traditional lock smart without the need for any tools.

£77.99  £129.99

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Curtain 3 Solar Combo

Curtain 3 Solar Combo

Make your curtains smart and keep them powered in a more eco-friendly way.

£81.18  £115.98

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Curtain 3 Matter Combo

Curtain 3 Matter Combo

Control curtains with Apple Home, or even use your Apple Watch!

Control curtains with Apple Home, or even use your Apple Watch!

£181.98  £259.97

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Curtain 3 Solar Matter Combo

Use solar power and control your curtains remotely, now Matter supported.

£218.36  £311.95

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Complete Dual Curtain Solar Combo

Immerse yourself in absolute control and unmatched convenience.

£239.35  £341.93

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Lock Pro Starter Combo

Unlock the future with a smart door lock and keyless entry experience.

£175.99  £219.99

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Indoor/Outdoor Thermo-Hygrometer Combo

Monitor indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity.

£76.97  £109.97

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Bot Starter Combo

Control switches remotely.

£45.49  £64.99

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Outdoor Spotlight Cam Combo

Monitor your surroundings 24/7 without the need for recharging.

£90.99  £129.99

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Hear it straight from our users.

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Paul Hibbert

247K subsrcibers

I have never seen a roller that drags the mess up into the unit instead of just smearing it around on the floor. And that's not all! The mop roller even scrubs itself clean while it's running. This is truly a stroke of genius.

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27.7K subsrcibers

I can place the K10 Plus anywhere, including in the kitchen, which wouldn't be possible with other models as it would obstruct the opening of certain drawers. Another impressive advantage, which I find equally remarkable, is that the water station of the K10 Plus doesn't require a power cable.

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Everything Smart Home

196K subsrcibers

But then I realized it's useful if you have your hands full carrying something to your car or whatever and you kind of just tap it with your elbow as you walk by to unlock or lock it which I do think is a neat feature.

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Stu’s Reviews

133K subsrcibers

In terms of compatibility, the switchbot lock Pro will fit a much wider variety of locking mechanisms and cylinders because rather than replacing the cylinder the way this Lock Works is essentially by providing a robot that can turn your key in the lock.

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Smart Home Junkie

56K subsrcibers

I know of you can connect the auto fill and drain water station to your water supply and drain allowing the mob inside. The SwitchBot S10 stand to do its job automatically so you never have to refill water or clean your mob again.

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ModernDay Tech

26K subsrcibers

I did test out by putting some sauce down on my hardwood floor and weit for it to dry and then afterwards I looked at the roller head and it was completely clean. I couldn't believe it, it didn't even have to go back to the base station it was just a minute or two after it cleaned up the mess and the roller head was already clean.

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