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Customer Reviews

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SwitchBot Hub 2

A 4-in-1 Hub
that Matters.

S10 (3).jpg__PID:50a74319-a786-4cf2-afbb-503a1ae80cdaLock Pro (2).jpg__PID:4319a786-5cf2-4fbb-903a-1ae80cda81dd

SwitchBot S10

A completely automated

floor cleaning robot with an

automatic water refill station.

容器 2212@3x.png__PID:cf0ec4c3-dde2-4f95-9493-c6a181b25869

Greater corner coverage,
even greater power.

S10 (1).jpg__PID:a74319a7-865c-42af-bb50-3a1ae80cda81Lock Pro (1).jpg__PID:19a7865c-f2af-4b50-ba1a-e80cda81dd6c

SwitchBot S10

A completely automated

floor cleaning robot with an


automatic water refill station.

Buy NowLearn More
容器 2212@3x.png__PID:cf0ec4c3-dde2-4f95-9493-c6a181b25869

Greater corner coverage,
even greater power.


SwitchBot S10

A completely automated

floor cleaning robot with an automatic
water refill station.

Father‘s Day Special

Buy a S10, get a FREE 4-bottle pack of Cleaning Solution. 

Now €799.99  Was €1,099.99

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SwitchBot Curtain 3

A better smart
curtain solution.

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SwitchBot Hub 2

A 4-in-1 Hub
that Matters.

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Mini in size, huge when it comes to power.

Mini in size, huge when it comes to power.


Spatial Perception.
Now Pro.

Features a PSD sensor to help
bypass table and chair legs.


Noise control?
Yup, Pro.

Quiet when cleaning to prevent


Always Pro.

You'll only need to take out the
trash four times a year.


Prevents Tangles.
Yup, still Pro.

Perfect for homes with pets.

容器 1429@3x.png__PID:76afee0a-36e7-4eae-bb1f-61707dd2171c

Palm-sized to make sure even
narrow areas can be cleaned.

Palm-sized to make sure even narrow areas can be cleaned.

Even areas with a lot of furniture that can be difficult to clean, such as restaurants, study rooms, bedrooms, and living rooms, are all perfect SwitchBot K10+ Pro.

Even areas with a lot of furniture that can be difficult to clean, such as restaurants, study rooms, bedrooms, and living rooms, are all perfect SwitchBot K10+ Pro.

容器 2214@3x (1).png__PID:7dd2171c-6be3-448d-a611-613e1576d2c9容器 2324@3x (1).png__PID:707dd217-1c6b-43f4-8da6-11613e1576d2
容器 2325@3x.png__PID:61707dd2-171c-4be3-b48d-a611613e1576
容器 489@3x.png__PID:23f1cef9-988e-4ff3-955f-6003f2f7e8e3
容器 488@3x.png__PID:5323f1ce-f998-4e0f-b3d5-5f6003f2f7e8
容器 487@3x.png__PID:3a5323f1-cef9-488e-8ff3-d55f6003f2f7

Reaches even the lowest of areas
for a better clean.

Reaches even the lowest of areas for a better clean.

1cm shorter than any other robot vacuum on the market, K10+ Pro can
also scan low areas such as under sofas, beds, TV cabinets, and shelves!

1cm shorter than any other robot vacuum on the market, K10+ Pro can also scan low areas such as under sofas, beds, TV cabinets, and shelves!

容器 489@3x (2).png__PID:f3d55f60-03f2-47e8-a3fd-4b474d8a9dd4
容器 487@3x (1).png__PID:8e0ff3d5-5f60-43f2-b7e8-e3fd4b474d8a
容器 488@3x (1).png__PID:0ff3d55f-6003-42f7-a8e3-fd4b474d8a9d
容器 2214@3x (2).png__PID:d2c94e65-92ec-4d60-a0ba-c4a85adb497f容器 2324@3x (2).png__PID:3e1576d2-c94e-4592-acdd-6020bac4a85a容器 2325@3x (1).png__PID:613e1576-d2c9-4e65-92ec-dd6020bac4a8

SwitchBot お掃除ロボット S10

Snug, right to the edge.

With K10+ Pro, edge cleaning is even easier than ever. You can even
sweep the gaps between the corners of walls, tables, and chair legs too.

With K10+ Pro, edge cleaning is even easier than ever. You can even sweep the gaps between the corners of walls, tables, and chair legs too.

容器 489@3x (3).png__PID:e3fd4b47-4d8a-4dd4-a8e0-c0eb79f5ead3
容器 488@3x (2).png__PID:e8e3fd4b-474d-4a9d-9428-e0c0eb79f5ea
容器 487@3x (2).png__PID:f7e8e3fd-4b47-4d8a-9dd4-28e0c0eb79f5
容器 2214@3x (3).png__PID:6020bac4-a85a-4b49-bff9-07755a270222
容器 2324@3x (3).png__PID:dd6020ba-c4a8-4adb-897f-f907755a2702
容器 2325@3x (2).png__PID:5a270222-eee3-417f-96f3-648d5de7d9d4

Now smarter, stopping unwanted
knocks and bumps.

Now smarter, stopping unwanted knocks and bumps.

Our 360º Spatial Navigation with Lateral PSD Edge Sensor enables K10+ Pro
to better understand your home when it comes to vacuuming and cleaning.

Our 360º Spatial Navigation with Lateral PSD Edge Sensor enables K10+ Pro to better understand your home when it comes to vacuuming and cleaning.

容器 2230@3x (1).png__PID:9462895e-32aa-4899-93e2-d9bf43b19252
容器@3x (1).png__PID:9dd428e0-c0eb-49f5-aad3-332e29194300
容器 1@3x.png__PID:8a9dd428-e0c0-4b79-b5ea-d3332e291943

SwitchBot お掃除ロボット S10

容器 1661@3x.png__PID:895e32aa-4899-43e2-99bf-43b192529540
容器 2329@3x.png__PID:f29f5bb4-b243-42e5-a780-e3d95fc41eea
容器 2330@3x.png__PID:d6f29f5b-b4b2-4312-a5e7-80e3d95fc41e

SwitchBot お掃除ロボット S10

SwitchBot お掃除ロボット S10

Mini by size, mini by station.

Takes up less space than an A4 piece of paper, enabling you to place your
K10+ Pro base station wherever you want. Wowza!

Takes up less space than an A4 piece of paper, enabling you to place your K10+ Pro base station wherever you want. Wowza!

容器 1661@3x (1).png__PID:9695e926-0b47-4fb1-9a35-2883be582aba容器 2214@2x (1).png__PID:87e51ba2-acd3-4912-a5bb-b252672e0bad

Stores waste for longer.

K10+ Pro uses a large 4L dust bag in its base station. Even bigger when
compared to other flagship robot vacuums, meaning you'll only have to take
out the trash four times a year.

K10+ Pro uses a large 4L dust bag in its base station. Even bigger when compared to other flagship robot vacuums, meaning you'll only have to take out the trash four times a year.

容器 2230@3x (4).png__PID:9526ab8a-4c5e-4dd1-a6d9-e52af076b0a4容器 1661@3x (2).png__PID:5a352883-be58-4aba-8801-45bef1fbd07f
容器 2329@3x (1).png__PID:45bef1fb-d07f-47d9-ae84-f784eeda9b48
容器 2330@3x (1).png__PID:f1fbd07f-87d9-4e84-b784-eeda9b480367
容器@3x (3).png__PID:29363e86-a3b6-4f67-aaba-82ecc891c1d0
容器 1@3x (1).png__PID:c529363e-86a3-46cf-a76a-ba82ecc891c1

SwitchBot お掃除ロボット S10

Hair? What hair?

Our Anti-Tangle Rubber Brush prevents hair from getting entangled inside,
and is easy to clean.

Our Anti-Tangle Rubber Brush prevents hair from getting entangled inside, and is easy to clean.

容器 2230@3x (3).png__PID:82ecc891-c1d0-4068-ae0d-6680bd082826容器 1661@3x (4).png__PID:03670259-53d2-4ca7-a5d3-bcd7c31c2c8d

Sucks up hair, cat litter, and all kinds of dust.

Sucks up hair, cat litter,
and all kinds of dust.

组 1600@3x (1).png__PID:15b7b076-7ee4-4f29-9e04-86eb4ed6839b

Sucks up hair, cat litter,
and all kinds of dust.

组 1600@1.5x.png__PID:dd936d57-43e0-45cd-a328-71d754a604a5组 1596@3x.png__PID:a1d6613d-bd59-48b9-a23d-d6f480fb2290

Map Multiple Floors

Can effortlessly map 10 different maps in your home and is ultra-light
making it easier to transfer to other floors.

Can effortlessly map 10 different maps in your home and is ultra-light making it easier to transfer to other floors.

容器 2214@2x (2).png__PID:75cda328-71d7-44a6-84a5-7b72a23f5eec容器 2332@3x.png__PID:a23dd6f4-80fb-4290-a8fd-43e786431912

Massive battery life, helping cover up to 225 ㎡ worth of cleaning area.*

容器 2350@3x.png__PID:80fb2290-28fd-43e7-8643-19127b0d12db

Massive battery life, helping cover up
to 225 ㎡ worth of cleaning area.*

容器 2287@1.5x.png__PID:2c2215b7-b076-4ee4-bf29-5e0486eb4ed6

Massive battery life, helping cover up to 225 ㎡ worth of cleaning area.*

容器 2350@3x.png__PID:80fb2290-28fd-43e7-8643-19127b0d12db

Use with Apple Home via Matter
thanks to SwitchBot Hub 2.

Use with Apple Home via Matter thanks to
SwitchBot Hub 2.

容器 1517@3x.png__PID:2073f642-7c07-409a-bbb7-a9c3162dd24f容器 1661@3x (5).png__PID:86431912-7b0d-42db-8df8-81c55a98f6f6
容器 2230@2x.png__PID:427c07b0-9afb-47a9-8316-2dd24f1daf7e

SwitchBot お掃除ロボット S10

Frequently Asked Questions

SwitchBot お掃除ロボット S10